Riding Sessions
We are also an RDA ShowJumping and Endurance group as well as a general riding and Dressage group.
We offer general riding sessions usually as a group in some exceptions we will run individual sessions.
Independent Riders
Independent riders may also apply to be part of Calon. Independent Riders tend to ride horses that are not part of the groups horses used in general sessions and tend to ride at other riding schools or are taught privately outside of RDA. However, these riders are all eligible to ride as part of and join RDA.
All of our independent riders are invited to our clinics and events outside of sessions.
If you wish to join the group as an independent rider please contact us, but please be aware that we are under no obligation to allow every independent rider to join our group. Your application will have to go through our trustees. That being said we do have a fair few independent riders that are part of Calon.
Riding from a Riders Perspective